How the manufacturer intended to peddle the paid version became clear after starting it for the first time with Ubuntu 13.04. YouTube to MP3 is based on Qt 4.8.3 and uses ffmpeg, libmp3lame0, and libavcodec-extra53. Listing 1: Installing YouTube to MP3 $ sudo add-apt-repository '' A source code update is subsequently required to prepare the software. The lines in Listing 1 import the repository and the associated PGP key. The choice for this test, therefore, boiled down to choosing the quickest version to integrate via the command line. In its download area, the manufacturer provides complete 32/64-bit DEB packages for Debian or Ubuntu for version 2.6.7, whereas the apt repository already has version 2.8.6.

In any case, if you are not comfortable going through the payment process (to end up not paying anything), you can always install the tool directly from the manufacturer’s website. Why the tool appears in Software Center as purchasable, when it is actually free, is not clear. Note that the software is proprietary and, although you are forced through the U1 payment platform, you are not charged anything.

Figure 1: The YouTube to MP3 Converter is available from Ubuntu Software Center.